Monday, June 23, 2008

Trouble On A Plane - Shooting day 2

Malina and I had decided to car pool. This brilliant idea came from her. Brilliant because we would be able to use the car pool lane almost for half of the trip down to Long Beach.
We started the day at the same time we did the day before. Hollie had a call back for a commercial audition that was scheduled at 1P and was in Hollywood. With that in mind, I had already planned my shotlist so that her scenes and shots would be shot first. Was of them had already been shot the first day, so the only things left to do with her with one big master and one pick up shot. This went so fast that I was able to use her for other shots, especially one close-up of James, in which he is basically framed between Douglas and Hollie.
Just like on the first day, the jet was freezing cold when we got there but got warmer and warmer towards the afternoon.
At first, it looked like we would be finished early. I even thought of doing a fake security announcement video on board of the plane and using that as a trailer. But we still ended up filming until about 5:30P, so there was never time to do the trailer bit.
I had once again an amazing cast and a fantastic crew. It almost amazed me how people are willing to work hard and for no money just so they can help you realize your vision. I can't stop thanking them for this. This short film will truly be one of my best. Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hi, I was just surfing by.

I know how the film and entertainment industry are very hard and difficult to be making living at.

I also work as an actor, but sometimes I don't get paid for doing my job. I understand their situation very well!

Sometimes we got to sacrifice to throw in the chances. right?

It's just cool.. how i come across a person like you on the blog!

haha :)